Greeff Media
We take immense pride in ensuring that every property on our books is presented in the best possible light. Our in-house marketing and media department specialise in both print and online media and produces up-to-date features and articles on a weekly basis. These include relevant property and investment news and comment as well as write-ups on specific properties, developments and performance statistics in selected areas of interest. Greeff features are published in daily and weekly newspapers, real-estate themed magazines, a variety of property websites as well as on social media platforms.
Greeff ensures its properties receive maximum exposure across a variety of newspapers, from nationally recognised publications to locally distributed, high-circulation community newspapers. These editorials are frequently published in a variety of print publications including The Weekend Argus, Cape Argus, Cape Times, The Star, The Sunday Tribune, Business Day Homefront, OUTLOOK - The Greeff Magazine and Christie's International Real Estate Magazine.
Greeff Choices is our unique property marketing supplement. It's free of charge with Friday editions of the Cape Times.
With a circulation of 34,523, the Cape Times has an average of 200 000 readers per issue.
Greeff's marketing and media department conceptualises, develops and designs each of our unique and eye-catching corporate adverts. Our ongoing campaigns serve to distinguish us within the real estate market.
Greeff strives to ensure each of their specifically targeted areas is covered. Hand-delivered mailbox drops ensure reputable exposure to build top-of-mind brand awareness and establish client relationships for agents within communities.

The Greeff website is a custom-built, online property search site, with the user's experience as its primary focus. The site has been constructed to ensure users are viewing properties within one click.
With the development of smart phone technology, mobile phones have become the most immediate resource for information, making the initial process of buying or selling a property a race. With a custom-built mobi site, buyers follow a simple navigational process and are able to view a property within seconds.
Greeff's pursuit of excellence extends to all our areas of operation, which is why we continue to build strong relationships with South Africa's top award-winning digital agencies. With a specifically targeted and custom-crafted digital strategy, Greeff has ensured that all its properties have the greatest online visibility.
Each of our Greeff mandated properties is listed on every major property website in South Africa. This includes: Property 24, Private Property, IOL property and SAHT - SA Home Trader, to name a few.
With the personal approach at the forefront of our operation, we at Greeff understand that people connect with people via social media, therefore we have ensured that the public can connect with us across all major social media platforms.
Property portals that Greeff's properties feature on
The interactive digital magazine is sent out to the Greeff's extensive database and is available to view online.
Frequency and Distribution
OUTLOOK - The Greeff Magazine, is published three times a year and hand delivered to 50 000 high LSM households across the Peninsula. The focus distribution areas include: The Southern Suburbs, False Bay, the Atlantic Seaboard and the City Bowl. OUTLOOK is also distributed to 5-star hotels and guesthouses in these areas as well as to attorneys, doctor's rooms and selected spas. In addition to this 15 000 electronic versions of OUTLOOK are emailed by request to Greeff's data base.
OUTLOOK- is also available in the exclusive hospitality lounges of ExecuJet. These are located at Lanseria and Cape Town International airports as well as in London, Zurich, Berlin, Melbourne, Dubai and Lagos.
The Greeff Magazine is written and edited by award winning journalist, Hedi Lampert Kemper.
OUTLOOK - The Greeff Magazine is ABC (AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS) registered.
View Digital Magazine NowShowcases
Greeff runs a busy calendar of social events and sponsored days. From school events to art auctions and corporate golf days, Greeff continually strives to build the right relationships and grow its extensive network of associates and friends.

Show house days provide an essential marketing platform for any property. Greeff's hand-picked agents excel at understanding what buyers expect, desire and seek when it comes to viewing property. With show day notifications, advertising and Greeff's extensive database of buyers, agents ensure that show days are utilised to their full potential.
Throughout the year at regular intervals, we take your property to the market place. Greeff's Property Expos at Cavendish Square combine elegance and advertising to create a unique customer experience. With over two million feet passing these exhibitions, Greeff ensures that the buying public is not only reminded of the Greeff brand, but given an opportunity to view properties on a large screen and to seek professional advice from a presiding qualified agent.
Our Advertisers
The Greeff Magazine is a portal to some of The Western Cape's finest real estate and provides a showcase for brands which define excellence.
Previous and current advertisers include:
A digital version of The Greeff Magazine is available, and past issues can be accessed through our archives. The electronic version of the Greeff Magazine is also distributed to Greeff's electronic database which currently tallies at around 30 000.