Essential home maintenance before selling

Category Home tips

Before selling your home, there are a few important things to note. Have you employed the best estate agent for the job? Are there any repairs that need to be taken care of? If so, and your home needs a little TLC before selling, here are some tips for those areas that require essential home maintenance.

Greeff Christie’s International Real Estate CEO Mike Greeff says maintaining your home before looking to sell is a sure way to gather more interest when potential buyers are stopping by for a viewing. A small investment in this would also pay off in the long run. While it does not directly insure a 100% return on investment – it is very likely to better your chances toward this.

Painting ceilings and walls:

A lot of time is spent looking at ceilings and when potential buyers visit, they pay close attention to ceilings and walls to check for potential cracks or leaks. As such, a fresh coat of paint is a great and inexpensive way to get ahead.

Throughout different seasons of the year mold and mildew can build up causing ceilings to look discoloured or appear to leak. Make use of fiberglass tape and repair any cracks, grease or smoke stains before marketing to sell. Be sure to compare prices before you start.

Fixing floors:

With flooring, there are a few options to consider based on the build of your home (or flooring). If you have carpeting that has seen better days, it is best to replace them with new carpets before looking to sell. Replacing your old carpets with new, neutral coloured carpets, reinforce a clean, fresh look.

If you have ceramic tiling, it would be best practice to replace any chipped or missing ceramic tiles. If the missing tiles outweigh the ones that remain, replace all the tiling all together. It may seem costly to begin with, but it will help in the long run.

If neither carpets or ceramic tiling is an option, you may want to consider redoing your home’s flooring altogther. Hardwood flooring is extremely popular with buyers, so if you are in the market for renovating your flooring – looking at hardwood flooring is a sure bet.

Kitchen improvements:

Kitchen improvements should not always include a high-end refrigerator or slimline oven but the simple practice of replacing old looking cabinets with a new coat of pain or varnishing should go a long way in restoring some of the kitchen’s appeal. If the kitchen cupboards are not trendy – this should indeed do the trick.

Replacing old faucets are a sure way to improve the kitchen’s aesthetics as well. While you’re at it – add new caulking to look more inviting.


One of the first big things that should be removed from any bathroom is carpeting. Potential buyers are not looking for carpets in bathrooms so be sure to remove them before looking to sell.

Also, if you are unable to clean or remove grout and dirt from your shower door and bathroom fixtures, do your best to remove it and replace it with a newer one.


One of the first things a potential buyer comes across is the garden. Whether you are a budding gardener or get by on the basics, it is advisable to clean up any shrubbery or weeds that may be out of place and serving as a distraction. A clean and tidy garden initiates the beginning of a very good and lasting impression.

Author: Greeff

Submitted 30 Jan 18 / Views 2136